Klinkt dit bekend in uw oren?
According to a questionnaire study (…), the majority of those (N)-speakers living in (…) area don’t even bother trying to get service in their mother-tongue, because more often than not the replies come back in (F).
Let’s put this to the test and take a tour around the city, seeing how one gets served in the minority language in this officially bilingual city.
We’ll start with the post office. I tell the clerk that I have moved a couple of months ago (it is the truth, actually), and I would like my mail to be automatically redirected to my new address.
The post office worker listens fluently, but then asks if I speak (F). I do, and the business gets dealt with in (F).
Then it is off to a branch of the (…) Bank. The same situation here. I order a new ATM card in (F).
Wel, de (F) staat voor Fins, en de (N) staat voor Zweeds, en het is een citaat uit een artikel over Helsinki, Finland. Het lijkt erop dat tweetaligheid in veel steden op dezelfde manier ervaren wordt.
(tip van M. Madalinski)