10 jaar BrusselBlogt

Congratulations from blog to blog

Since 2006 BrusselBlogt has been part of the rich community of blog sites in Brussels. That is why other Brussels based bloggers wanted to write some kind words about us. We’re flattered. Keep on blogging, guys! We love you!

I am not sure why it took me so much time to discover Brusselblogt but since I did, let me tell you: I am hooked. Well, to make the story short, I am a Frenchie – so as you guess I can speak and read Dutch/Flemish as a 5 years-old kid (please do not laugh). Basically, there was absolutely no reason why I should have heard about Brusselblogt, “een initiatief van een pak enthousiaste Nederlandstalige Brusselaars”. But somewhere in March this year, Tom found me and my blog. Whouah, what an achievement for a French mum to join the blogger list of a 100% Dutch speaking blog. You may now think that bloggers life is somehow futile… If this could be true (let’s be honest), when bloggers get recognition from sources of quality, this really means something. And Brusselblogt represents this to me. A very well sourced blog, with many information that I never even knew of. How on earth are those guys doing it? Regularly I discover on their Facebook page new initiatives, hidden places, concerts to come, etc… and I only have to choose à la carte!

I wish Brusselblogt and their team an happy 10 year anniversary and success for the many years to come. And folks, many thanks for contributing to my Flemish integration! I keep improving every day by reading Brusselblogt’s news!

Mon Bébé à Bruxelles (our feature)

Mon bébé à Bruxelles

BrusselBlogt was my first introduction to Brussels by … Brussels residents. 10 years ago, thanks to BrusselsBlogt, I started to discover Brussels through the eyes of people living and working in this city. Residents not confined to the expat bubble. Incidentally I also started my blog around the same time so BrusselsBlogt has been my Brussels sounding board for city news ever since. Here is to the next 10 years – proficiat!

Andreea Gulacsi
On Food and Wine (our feature)

On food and wine

Happy 10 to, you succeeded to build a strong multicultural community in Brussels and you contribute each day to make our city a better place to live!

Alice Savayan
Alice à Bruxelles (our review)



queremos felicitar a BRUSSELBLOGT,
que cumple 10 años. Dirigido a todos aquellos que hablan neerlandés, tiene como objetivo transmitir la más amplia información política, urbanística, cultural, gastronómica,…etc de nuestra ciudad.
Además, se encargan de dar a conocer diferentes blogs de Bruselas especializados en los temas más variados, a los que referencian en el suyo propio.
Te invitamos a visitar el blog en
Que cumplas muuuuchos años más BrusselBlogt!

Marta Diez
Top Bruselas (our review)

Top Bruselas

Door Tom Van Bogaert

Nieuwe Brusselaar met een passie voor taal, cultuur en journalistiek. Geboren in Sint-Niklaas. Studeerde Germaanse talen in Gent en woonde na zijn studie zes jaar in Berlijn. Houdt zich bezig met beleid en communicatie binnen de Vlaamse overheid en is journalist in bijberoep.