Gezien de vele fotografen die hier regelmatig passeren en bijdragen leveren in onze Flickr Pool, wou ik van de gelegenheid even gebruik/misbruik maken om schaamteloos reclame te maken voor iets wat toch al gratis is. Engelstalig (dat verklaart dan meteen de Engelstalige uitnodiging hieronder) Brussels fotograaf Michael Chia demonstreert op 21/10 hoe je met je foto’s kan omgaan van camera tot flickr, print, website,…
We like to invite you to the Adobe Lightroom photoshop demonstration by Michael Chia
Thursday 21st October 2010– Are you shooting thousands of images and can’t find your images back?
– Are your images disorganised and in different folders or hard drives on your computer?
– Wouldn’t you like to perform more efficiently as a modern digital photographer?
– Are you looking for reliable, user friendly and affordable software to process your images?
– Wouldn’t you love to create more impact or dynamism with your images?Does any of the above sounds familiar? Look no further!
Join us for a preview of Adobe Photoshop Lighroom Version 3.
The event is free of charge and open to all levels of photographers.Place: Hotel Silken Berlaymont, Boulevard Charlemagne 11, 1000 Brussels.
Date: Thursday, 21st October 2010
Time: 7pm-7.25 registration, 7.30-8.30pm demo/presentation, 8.30-9pm drinks & canapes
Great prices to be won.Due to limited seating capacity you need to register for the event:
Don’t miss this exciting opportunity!For further information:
Vergeet niet te registreren indien dit je interesseert.